
Showing posts from February, 2012

Sufferers from psychiatric symptoms decline to say what’s wrong

Martians were arriving at Los Angeles airport at 4 a.m.

Life moves about under its own steam

Why did that wasp fly in through your window


minds manifesto

Child terrors persist because the sufferer is too terrified to see they're now OVER

The cause and cure of psychoses is simple

The human mind is peculiarly vulnerable to trauma

The human infant is peculiarly susceptible to trauma


Emotions are the most important thing in any human life

Our aim still is to establish ‘fear free zones’ where emotional distress melts away.

Zumba Fitness is the only Latin-inspired dance-fitness program that blends red-hot international music

Zumba's Latin rhythms on the move in the fitness world

How can our consciousness connect to light and God’s Infinite Intelligence?

Many individuals whose spiritual awakening has been unexpectedly unleashed DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING

Beginner’s Mind and the Empty Cup

The most common signs that an individual is sliding towards relapse

The original 12 Step program that had a 90% success rate

The label, sponsorship did not come from A.A. nor is the word mentioned in there BIG BOOK.